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1/ Develop a practical nature-based technology
Based on self-purification capacity of constructed wetlands and phage specificity against multidrug-resistant pathogens as a cost-effective and eco-friendly intervention strategy to reduce the risk of dissemination of antimicrobial resistance into the environment.
Work packages 2-6
2/ Evaluate the capacity of constructed wetlands
For the removal of chemical (antibiotic residues) and biological pollutants (antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic.
Work packages 3
3/ Select specific phages
Targeting wastewater-derived ARB –focusing on multidrug-resistant ESKAPE pathogens— and to assess their efficacy on the removal of ARB/ARGs from communal wastes.
Work packages 4
4/ Design and scale-up a pilot infrastructure
To implement the proposed PhageLand technology and to assess its efficiency in the removal of antibiotic residues and multidrug-resistant pathogens from well-defined laboratory to complex, real environmental conditions.
Work packages 6
5/ Asses to what extent animals thriving in CW accumulate ARB/ARGs
In their microbiota.
Work packages 3,5
6/ Evaluate the epidemiological risk of communal waste
As a source of ARB in relation to public health focusing on Eastern European Low-Middle Income Countries.
Work packages 2,3
7/ Develop a novel method of tracking HGT of ARGs
In various environments by coupling droplet microfluidics and high-throughput fusion PCR amplicon sequencing.
Work packages 3